Meet the Candidates for highway supervisor



Clarksville speaks meet the candidates forum

 7 FEBRUARY 2020·

 Last nights meeting with all four of the candidates running for the Highway supervisors position was s good event.  We had a large turn out and several good questions were asked during the forum. Each candidate was introduced at the beginning of the forum and then asked several questions. Some of the questions ranged from  “what makes you the the most qualified?” to specific questions as well. The candidates spoke of their education as well as their back grounds and hands on  experience which makes them more  qualified  for the position.

Candidates were also asked about their management experience and skills in a leadership role which each one answered. Some of the questions also came from the Facebook live viewers and had them answer some of them. such questions as these were asked  “What are the duties and responsibilities of the highway supervisor?”  “What would you do as  highway supervisor to help cuts costs and save the tax payers money? “

With the room filled with almost 150 folks at the forum everyone had a chance to meet face to face with the candidates which made for a good event. The candidates all agreed it was a good event and answered some tough questions presented to them at the forum.

Attendees listen how the candidates would help save tax payers dollars while providing  the most efficient jobs for our highways as well as the other questions presented during the night. The forum was a welcomed event  and we had plenty of positive feed back with the event.

Photos courtesy of Phil Cook

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